Express Yourself in Three Words to a Guy

Express Yourself in Three Words to a Guy

Describing yourself can be a challenge, especially when a guy asks you to use three words only. Online dating and even simple dating has changed a bit when you talk about presenting yourself. Sometimes you can be asked to describe yourself in three words to a guy. That’s when a little self-awareness and some idea about the right words come into play. So, how can you find suitable words to describe yourself in a way that makes a good impression on your date? This article will provide you with a list of suitable words that will help you in presenting yourself in the best possible way.

20 Words to Describe Yourself to a Guy

The words you use on your online dating profile and social media represent you. Remember that it’s not simply about visual perception, i.e. your pictures. Creating the right perception is also about the way you describe yourself. If you nail it, it will increase your chances of getting a date with the right person. Learn how to describe yourself to a guy using the right words.

1. Sweet: Men usually associate sweetness and delicacy with women. If you use such a word to describe yourself, you will have more chances of getting a date. However, it’s up to you how you view yourself and then describe using the words that best suit your personality.

2. Independent: Add other stronger traits with pure feminine qualities to show men that you have a balanced personality. If you describe yourself as someone who can take care of herself and you are independent in most areas of your life, men would like to know you better. This is your answer to how to describe yourself to a date.

3. Creative: You are able to come up with new ideas and keep yourself busy with interesting activities. If you love trying new things and you have a knack for art, music, or any other creative activity, you can describe yourself as creative.

4. Free-Spirit: If you love going out and being adventurous, you can describe yourself as a free-spirit. You don’t conform to conventions, and you love being close to nature.

5. Physically Fit: It’s very obvious that men are attracted to women who are fit and healthy. Your body shape and size don’t matter as much as your health. So, take care of yourself and show everyone that you are fit as a fiddle.

6. Funny: Everyone loves being around someone who has a good sense of humor and knows how to keep people engaged.

7. Positive: Having a positive attitude in life is a great quality. So, if you are an optimistic person, describe yourself as positive to let people know that you are filled with positive energy.

8. Genuine: You are honest and don’t hide things about yourself. In short, you go out with your true self, and you are not a faker.

9. Fun-Loving: Men love to hang around with women who are outgoing, social, and love to have fun. Even if you are a bit quiet, but you love to party or go out and have fun, you’ll have a good time while dating.

10. Passionate: Passion is a must-have quality in a partner. If you lack passion, you will not be able to satisfy your partner. Both men and women want to date someone who is warm, open about their feelings, and passionate.

12. Happy: Showing other people that you are satisfied with your life and staying happy most of the time increases your chances of finding a good match. You will most likely find someone who has a positive attitude towards life.

14. Easy-going: You are mostly relaxed and don’t take things too seriously. In short, you are not consumed by negative thoughts and tensions. When people see that you don’t think too much and go with the flow, they want to be a part of your life.

16. Affectionate: You let your loved ones know that you love them and express your feelings through words and actions.

17. Open-minded: You are open to differences and listen to other perspectives and ideas. You accept or understand them without any issue.

19. Unique: Everyone is different and gifted in their own way. You love to embrace the fact that you don’t blend in with the crowd.

20. Courageous: You are brave enough to face your fears and take risks. It even applies to taking chances while dating and being honest about yourself.

Be Open and Honest

Dating someone new is like appearing for a job interview. Your confidence and honesty will help you in describing yourself in the best possible way. Words hold the power to captivate people and open up your true personality. So, use the words that capture the true essence of your personality. Describe yourself in three words to a guy and increase your chances of finding someone who is a good match for you. According to Business Insider, the data analyzed by eHarmony shows that there are ten words women can use to attract a suitable guy. These words are sweet, funny, ambitious, thoughtful, easy-going, passionate, echt in your 40s Singles Dating Seite Review outgoing, hardworking, spontaneous, and happy. These words have been mentioned in this article so that you can express yourself in a positive way while dating.